Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District


The District has engaged with HHSDR Architects, a Pittsburgh-based firm, to develop a comprehensive Feasibility and Facility Study to determine future plans for the School District. The Feasibility and Facility Study focuses on the primary and elementary school buildings as well as additional projects in the District based of the age of the buildings and structural needs.

Why a Feasibility Study?

  • Commitment and vision for the future and mission of the district
  • Enhancing and updating facilities
    • Air conditioning
    • Right-sizing footprint
    • Providing state-of-the art facilities for our children to learn
    • Evaluating operational efficiencies
    • Coupling with fiscal commitments and facilities management
  • Developing and expanding our short-term and long-term plan for facilities
    • We have 7 schools. Scott Primary and Shaler Area High School are in good condition. All remaining schools require significant work.
  • Communicating needs, desires and the need to change mindsets.

Enrollment Trends

Currently the Shaler Area School District approximately 3770 students with noticeable enrollment declines over the last 10 years and projected to continue. Additionally, our existing buildings have unused classrooms and capacity for future growth.   For more information on historical enrollment trends and future projections please click below:

Feasiblity Study Timeline

October 5, 2022:              
  • Reviewed facilities study draft with Building and Grounds Committee.
    1. Report outlined improvement observations at each building.
    2. Deficiencies rated on priority level ( 1- 4) and estimated construction cost range.
    3. (2) Categories : Code/Safety and Infrastructure
November 2, 2022:         
  • Reviewed study summary and future project considerations with school board.
October 25, 2023:
  • Reviewed study summary and future project considerations with school board.
     (The full presentation can be viewed by clicking on the link to the right.)

Long Range Facility Investment Planning (2027 – 2033)
During the October 25, 2023 Buildings & Grounds Meeting, HHSDR Architects presented three options  (The full presentation can be viewed by clicking on the link to the right.)

Option 1:
  • Marzolf Primary School – Full building alterations and possible building additions (gymnasium).  
  • Burchfield Primary School – Full building alterations and possible building additions (kitchen).  
  • Elementary School – Full building alternation.
  • Reserve Primary School  – Full building alterations.
Option 2:
  • Marzolf Primary School – “Right size” building for current relocated, and future enrollments. Full building alteration and possible building addition (classroom and new gymnasium).
  • Burchfield Primary School – “Right size” building for current relocated, and future enrollments. Full building alteration and possible building addition (classroom and new kitchen).
  • Reserve Primary School – “Right size” building for current relocated, and future enrollments. Full building alteration.
  • Elementary School – Implement steps to consider closing Elementary School. Relocate and reorganize students and staff to renovated and expanded K-5 Elementary Schools and transition 6th Grade to Shaler Area Middle School.   Consider constructing new Natatorium at Shaler Area High School.
Option 3:
  • Reserve Primary School – Implement steps to consider closing Reserve Primary School.   Relocate and reorganize students and staff to expanded K-5 Elementary Schools.
  • Marzolf Primary School – “Right size” building for current relocated, and future enrollments. Full building alteration and possible building addition (classroom and new gymnasium).
  • Burchfield Primary School – “Right size” building for current relocated, and future enrollments. Full building alteration and possible building addition (classroom and new kitchen).
  • Elementary School – Implement steps to consider closing Elementary School. Relocate and reorganize students and staff to renovated and expanded K-5 Elementary Schools and transition 6th Grade to Shaler Area Middle School.  Consider constructing a new natatorium at Shaler Area High School.


Additional considerations include (2) larger K-5 Elementary Schools located on existing school property.  The option was discussed during the October 25, 2023 Buildings & Grounds Committee meeting and is currently being investigated by the District’s Architects.

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