Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Save the Date: STEM Camp

Shaler Area STEM Camp

Mark your calendar for Shaler Area’s STEM Camp! Coming June 16–19th for students who have completed grades 1–5. Courses feature engaging content that explores coding, robotics, art, science, and more. […]

Middle School HVAC and Roof Project Moves forward

Shaler Area Middle School

At their January 22nd meeting, the Shaler Area School Board of Directors approved entering the design phase of the Shaler Area Middle School HVAC/Roofing replacement project and associated renovations with […]

100% Fun

Kindergarten students and their teachers at Scott Primary had a fantastic time celebrating the 100th day of school in style! They dressed up as how they think they’ll look when […]

Coffee and Conversations

The most recent installment of Coffee and Conversations was hosted by Burchfield Primary School. There was a wonderful turn out and constructive and uplifting conversations were enjoyed. These casual mornings […]

Celebrating Black History Month!

Our K-3 students are diving into the rich history and culture of Black leaders, artists, and storytellers with their Specials Teachers. Through inspiring books, creative art projects, and lively dance […]

Learning in Style

Jamie sits on the floor in the hallway with students as they color a large piece of paper with her designs on it

Recently students in Ms. Himes’ class enjoyed a visit from guest speaker Jamie Szramowski. She shared her journey from Shaler student to business owner. She owns MIA New York Clothing. […]

Connected by Kindness

A banner emblazoned with "be the reason somebody smiles" hangs in the hallway as a paperchain can be seen zig zagging down the ceiling

As part of Shaler Area Elementary School’s School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support program (SWPBIS), every student made a link for our “Kindness Chain.” In November, students shared a kind […]

Hat Day

Students show their hats

When frigid temperatures brought a Flexible Instruction Day, Ms. Swartzbaugh’s class decided to inject a little fun into the day by declaring a hat day. Each student wore a piece […]

WTAE Features Cafe 118

WTAE interviews Cafe 118 staff

Cafe 118 was featured on WTAE on January 10. Chandi Chapman interviewed student staff members and highlighted the benefits of inclusion and the positive effect that Cafe 118 has had […]

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