6:15 Exec. Session 7:30 Public
Join Zoom Meeting https://shalerarea.zoom.us/j/85085916943?pwd=bkabb4xechbbo8J3U4tGhxOgqmhy0S.1 Meeting ID: 850 8591 6943 Passcode: 167464
Join Zoom Meeting https://shalerarea.zoom.us/j/85085916943?pwd=bkabb4xechbbo8J3U4tGhxOgqmhy0S.1 Meeting ID: 850 8591 6943 Passcode: 167464
Parade 10:30 am Picnic 12:00 pm Game 1:30 pm Dance 7:30 pm
Please join us for Coffee and Conversations. These casual mornings are an invitation to get better acquainted with the leadership of our district. All are welcome and no R.S.V.P. is […]