Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Athletic Committee – Chair: Mr. Jason Machajewski
Members: Elizabeth Dunn
Admin. Representative: Clint Rauscher
Buildings & Grounds Committee – Chair: Mr. Todd Saulle

Members: Edward Kress
Admin. Representative: John Kaib & Jennifer Tressler

Education Committee – Chair: Mrs. Eileen Phillips                                         
Members: Todd Saulle & April Kwiatkowski
Admin. Representative: Dr. Brian Brown
Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging Committee/Community Engagement-  Chair:  Ms.  Elizabeth Dunn
Members: April Kwiatkowski & Eileen Phillips
Admin. Representative: Dr. Bryan O’Black
Finance Committee – Chair:  Mr. Edward Kress  
Member: James Burn   
Admin. Representative: Jennifer Tressler
Policy Committee – Chair: Mr. April Kwiatkowski
Members: James Burn & Eileen Phillips
Admin. Representative: Dr. Brian Brown
Public Relations & Social Media Committee – Chair: Mrs. Elizabeth Dunn
Members: James Burn & Eileen Phillips
Admin. Representative: Dr. Bryan O’Black

Transportation Committee
– Chair: Ms.  Dorothy Petrancosta
Members: Jason Machajewski

Admin. Representative: Jennifer Tressler

A.W. Beattie Career Center Representatives- Mr. Jim Tunstall, & Ms. Petrancosta (each remaining board member is an alternate member)

Mr. Tunstall and Dr. O’Black are members of all committees

Each school year, the Shaler Area School Board of Directors invites two high school students to serve as student representatives on the board. The student representatives serve as liaisons between the student body and the school board during the monthly school board meetings. The student representatives provide feedback and input to the school board members as well as bring concerns and ideas from the student body to the school board and administration.
Student Representatives for the 2024-25 School year are:  Eleni Karnavas (Grade 12) and Matthew Britenbaugh (Grade 11

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