Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area School District received the 2022-23 Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) and Keystone Exam scores from the Pennsylvania Department of Education in July 2023.  Scores will be posted publicly on the Future Ready PA Index website in the near future.

Shaler Area students in grades 3 to 8 participated in PSSA testing in English language arts, mathematics, and science (in grades 4 and 8) in spring 2023. Shaler Area students in grades 7 to 11 participated in the Keystone Exams (algebra I, biology, and literature) in the Winter of 2022 and Spring 2023.

The new Future Ready PA Index measures college and career readiness, such as industry-based learning and access to rigorous courses of study, student academic improvement, and growth on a variety of indicators — reducing the reliance on standardized test scores as the sole measurement of a school’s success. The dashboard also illustrates progress by student group — including economically disadvantaged students, English Learners, students receiving special education services, and racial and ethnic groups.

The index provides the Shaler Area community with a more holistic picture of its schools’ performance beyond test scores with a transparent and easy-to-use online tool. 

A color-coded system illustrates student and school progress in the three main measurement categories.

  • State Assessment measurements demonstrate student performance on the PSSA and Keystone Exam standardized tests. This also includes data from the Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment System (PVAAS), which represents the academic growth of students.
  • On-Track measurements show regular attendance and indicate progress in reading and math and in English Language proficiency.
  • College and Career-Ready measurements illustrate how well students are being prepared for post-secondary success by showing access to rigorous courses, such as Advanced Placement, and by identifying industry-based credentials earned by students. It also includes, for the first time, data on college enrollment, military enlistment and workforce participation.

Over the past several years, Shaler Area School District staff has continued to align the curriculum to meet the PA Core Standards and increase the level of academic rigor within our classrooms. At Shaler Area, our scores are above the statewide averages in many of our buildings. Our goal is to continue to provide a well-rounded academic experience for our students and prepare them for post-secondary training and the workforce.

In the 2023-24 school year, the district continues its commitment to educational initiatives that will benefit students across all grade levels. Some of these initiatives include:

  • Continuation of the Project ACE 1:1 iPad initiative
  • Implementing Kindergarten Entry Inventory;
  • Embedding the Portrait of a Graduate across curricular programs;
  • Building partnerships to support college & career readiness K-12;
  • Increasing professional development to support the science of reading.

Below you will find links to each of the district’s Future Ready PA Index reports:

If you would like to learn more about the Future Ready PA Index, visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education website. Additionally, if you have specific questions regarding your child’s school performance, please contact your building principal or Brian Brown, Assistant Superintendent ( 

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