Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Please refer to the following contacts for your request:


  • Media Requests
  • Public relations assistance
  • Social media


  • Website assistance


  • Peachar requests
  • Titan Head Logo approvals
For all other inquiries, please contact Jeanne Hohlweg for assistance. 

Thank you.

Peachjar Flyers

As a parent or guardian of a Shaler Area student, no action is required to receive flyers. You will receive a welcome email from Peachjar that includes a username and password. This is provided to give you the opportunity to manage your account and flyer delivery preferences (including email frequency). You do not need to log in to receive or view school eflyers.

School and school district-approved eflyers will keep you informed about upcoming school activities, programs, and events. For your convenience, flyers that are sent via email will also be made available via the Peachjar page link on each school building’s website.

Peachjar Flyers Distribution Guidelines

Guidelines for Groups & Organizations affiliated with Shaler Area School District

For groups and organizations affiliated with Shaler Area School District (parent organizations, booster groups, clubs, etc.), distributing eflyers through Peachjar will always be free. Your school’s Peachjar School Uploader can upload flyers to the school’s Peachjar account. Please send flyers via email to the appropriate school-level uploader to begin the distribution process.

School-level uploaders are:

• Primary schools – Building secretaries
• SAES – Heather Oros, activities director: or Amy Bodenlos, activities secretary:
• Middle School – Judy Crilley, activities secretary: 
• High School – Linda Robertson, activities secretary:  or Denise Dillon, athletic department secretary:

Building principals/staff will approve all school-level fliers prior to distribution and posting.

All flyers must meet the Flyer Policy Guidelines detailed below before they will be approved.  

Guidelines for Outside Groups & Community Partners
Shaler Area works with community organizations to provide information to students and families on programs and activities that “promote student interests primarily, rather than the special interests of any particular group” according to Policy No. 913. Flyers will be approved through the Office of the Superintendent “on the basis of educational value to the total school program and benefit to students.”

To request flyer approval, follow the steps below. Once approved, your flyer will be emailed to all parents and posted online. Paper flyers from outside organizations will no longer be distributed.

To submit a flyer:

• Visit
• Register as a Program Provider (account type)
• Upload your flyer for approval

Your flyer automatically will be submitted to the district office. District staff will review the material and approve or deny based on the standards below. Peachjar charges a fee for this service that is typically much less than the cost to copy and deliver paper flyers to each school. 

Peachjar will waive its service fees for local community organizations posting to the district’s schools when promoting a free event or activity that does not entice participants to join a fee-based program, or include the opportunity to purchase products, services, or food and beverages. Organizations interested in requesting a Community Free account must contact Peachjar directly by phone at 858-997-2117 x3 for our district’s Customer Support Specialists, or by email at For more information about Peachjar’s Community Free program, please see the policy summary linked on this page.

All flyers must meet the Flyer Policy Guidelines detailed below before they will be approved.  


All flyers are approved by Shaler Area district administration

  • Programs, activities or services detailed in flyers must be beneficial Shaler Area students on the basis of educational value to the total school program and benefit to students.
  • Flyer must be in PDF format, 1-4 pages in length, and smaller than 50 MB.
  • Flyer must contain the name and contact information of the sponsoring entity.
  • Material must be from non-profit, non-commercial organizations.
  • Material must not advocate a religious or a political viewpoint.
  • Flyer must include the following disclaimer which Peachjar automatically adds to flyers from outside organizations: 
    “This event, activity, program, or service is not sponsored by or affiliated with the Shaler Area School District. Approval to distribute flyers is a community service rather than an endorsement.”  

Flyer approval does not constitute endorsement. Approval simply means the material has been reviewed and meets the guidelines for districtwide electronic distribution. The district reserves the right to rescind approval to any organization or person if a complaint is received or the organization or person is found to be in violation of instructions from the district administration.

For more policy information, review Policy No. 913 available on the board polices page.

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