Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

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PSSA Letter to Parents

The students at Shaler Area Middle School have been preparing all year for the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Tests. The PSSA Tests are used to measure how well a student is learning the academic standards in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science.

The assessments will be administered to all 7th and 8th graders in the morning during the following dates:

                                  April 22, 23, and 24            PSSA-English Language Arts

                                  April 29, 30                          PSSA Mathematics

The PSSA-Science will be administered to 8th graders only in the morning on the following dates:

                                May 1, 2                                 PSSA-Science

The encouragement and support that you provide will help your child achieve advanced and proficient scores on the Spring 2025 PSSA Test. Here are a few things to know about PSSA week:

  • Students should bring two #2 pencils to the tests. Additional pencils will be available in the testing rooms if needed. We will provide scratch paper and highlighters (as needed).
  • Students should bring their own calculator to the mathematics and science PSSA tests. Science testing will be conducted online, and a calculator will be programmed into the testing system. Please remember that iPads, phones, and other like devices are not permitted to be used as calculators on the PSSA.
  • Students are not permitted to bring any electronic devices into the testing room (ex. iPad, iPod, phones, Apple watches/smartwatches, etc.). These devices should be locked in their lockers during the testing period. Please be aware that the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) has issued an electronic device policy due to an unprecedented number issues during the statewide assessment. PDE requests that parents and students understand that the integrity of the test cannot be compromised.
  • Students should bring an appropriate novel and/or magazine to read for pleasure when they are done with testing. Per state regulations, written work/drawing/coloring is not permitted after testing.
  • It is very important that students are well-rested, eat a healthy breakfast, and arrive to school on time. This will ensure that they will be ready to do their best!
  • Please also take a few minutes to review the attached PSSA resources, including: Frequently Asked Questions about the PSSA, the Code of Conduct for Test Takers, Electronic Device Guidelines, and the PA Calculator Policy.

As we approach this final stretch to the test, we look forward to continuing to work with you to ensure the best possible results for the children at SAMS. Thank you for your cooperation and participation in the testing process.

Best wishes,

Dr. Shannon Howard, Principal

Mitchell Shaw, Assistant Principal, School Assessment Coordinator


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