Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

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SAMS Dress Code Information

Dress Code Reminder!

As the warm spring weather arrives and we continue to maintain a safe and productive learning environment, we want to remind everyone of our Dress Code Policy. Students are expected to wear school-appropriate attire throughout the school day. Any clothing that is deemed unsafe, inappropriate, or disruptive to the educational process will need to be changed, and disciplinary action may follow in accordance with the Code of Conduct.


Head coverings (hats, hoods, bandana headbands)

Inappropriate tops (halter tops, midriff tops, muscle shirts, strapless tops, volleyball-type shorts, or tops that expose the chest, shoulders, stomach, or buttocks)

Clothing that exposes undergarments or creates a tripping hazard (sagging pants, low-cut pants, see-through clothing, excessively short or revealing attire)

Chains and spiked jewelry

Sunglasses & face coverings (except those required for medical reasons)

Apparel or jewelry promoting sexual content, violence, weapons, drugs, alcohol, or gang affiliation

Clothing that demeans race, sex, religion, national origin, or disability

Costumes & costume wigs

Bare feet (shoes must be worn at all times)

Face painting

Earbuds & headphones in hallways

Other items deemed inappropriate by administration

We appreciate your cooperation in upholding these expectations. If a student violates the dress code, they will be asked to change into appropriate attire from their locker or home. Continued violations will result in disciplinary action.


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