The Shaler Area Middle School Pizza Pi Night will be held on Friday, March 14, 2025, from 7-9 pm in the Middle School cafeteria.
This is a fun filled social event. There will be games such as Can Jam, Bingo, Uno, Corn Hole and Jumbo Jenga. In addition, there will be Music chosen by the students, Karaoke, and Puzzles to build.
The dress for all Middle School events and dances is casual. All students must wear school-appropriate attire. See the SAMS Handbook for all details. No backpacks or purses are permitted beyond the door, and they will be locked up for the duration of the dance if they are brought to the school. Shaler Area Middle School will not accept any responsibility for students’ personal property when brought to school or to school-sponsored activities.
Ticket Sales:
Tickets are $5 and can only be purchased in advance in the Activities Office during Homeroom or lunch in the Main Office. No Tickets will be sold at the door.
Doors open at 6:45 and close at 7:30 p.m. you must arrive on-time or you will not be permitted entry. Once in the cafeteria, you cannot leave until 9:00pm. No exceptions.
Food and drinks:
Student will receive 1 slice of pizza and 1 drink with the purchase of their ticket.
We will also be selling extra pizza, snacks, and drinks during the evening if you are still hungry. No outside Food or Drinks are permitted.
Eligibility and Expectations for Behavior:
Pizza Pi Night is for Shaler Area Middle School students only. All SAMS rules and policies will be enforced during the event. See the SAMS Handbook, which is available on the Middle School website. Students are expected to act in a safe, respectful, and responsible manner.
Students who are disruptive will not be permitted to attend future events or dances and disciplinary action may be taken.
Any student who is absent for more than half of the day of the Pizza Pi Night Event will not be permitted to attend.
Only students in good standing are permitted to attend school events and dances. Any student who has detentions that have not been served, fines or unpaid debts to the middle school, or received an In-School or Out-of-School suspension will not be permitted to attend activity events or dance during that semester.
Parents should enter the parking lot on the Shopping Center Side and drop students in the back on the Stadium Side. Students will enter Door #4 (Art/Tech Hallway).
Parents should enter the lot on the Shopping Center side of the building and line up on the Stadium Side to pick up students at the end of the event. Pick-up is prompt at 9pm.