Students Learn about Digital Citizenship from FBI

The Shaler Area School District is committed to equipping students to be digitally literate and responsible citizens, including in their use of technology and social media. On November 18th, students […]
Enjoying Holiday Music and Meals

In November, first-grade students from Marzolf Primary enjoyed an exciting and cultured day. First, they attended a field trip to Heinz Hall to see Danbi. They had a special treat […]
Balloon Parade Lifts Spirits

Students’ artistic ambitions rose as they constructed their own balloon floats for a Primary School Thanksgiving Parade. Marzolf students learned about the Macy’s Day parade and its balloons in the […]
RPC Hosts Fall Festival with Fun for the Whole Family

In October, Reserve Primary School families enjoyed a fabulous fall festival. The event featured a harvest of activities for the whole family, including face painting, games, touch-a-truck and more. In […]
You’re Invited to Our Winter Holiday Performances

Each year students from our schools showcase their talent and share the holiday spirit through a variety of concerts. Make plans to join us at one—or more—of these performances!
Shaler Area Father and Son Design Shirt for WWE

Luca, a fourth-grader at SAES, and his dad, Carlo, collaborated on a t-shirt design for a national competition hosted by WWE. Luca and Carlo’s design was selected from all the […]
Safety Week Promotes Health

Students at Burchfield Primary School participated in Red Ribbon Week, a national campaign to promote healthy lifestyles among students. They wrapped up Red Ribbon/Safety Week with their annual Safety Day! […]
Sharing Perspectives for Strategic Planning

The District has embarked on a strategic planning process to thoughtfully look to the future. As part of this endeavor, we are hosting a series of community forums. The first […]
Battle of the Lunch Ladies

The culinary crew from Shaler Area Middle School made it to the finals in Star 100.7’s Battle of the Lunch Ladies. The Titan Bowl boasted a strong showing and bowled […]
Girty’s Run Watershed Conservation Project

In collaboration with North Hills High School and the Allegheny Land Trust, our SAHS Sustainability classes and club joined forces to help protect 30 acres of land in the Girty’s […]