Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Andy Sieber (Grade 4)  Ext. 3523 – 
Jim Jowers (Grade 5)  Ext. 3521 – 
Beth Zelinko (Grade 6) Ext. 3522 – 
Laurie Cortazzo ( School Social Worker)  Ext. 3508 –
Lisa Hays  (Counseling/Attendance Secretary)  Ext. 3501 – 
We are proud to announce that our school is participating in a very important district-wide initiative, Positive School-Wide Behavior Support (PBS). It is a program designed to teach responsibility, safety, and respect for all at Shaler Area Elementary School. The overall goals of PBS are aimed at increasing and supporting positive behaviors school-wide and decreasing those disruptive behaviors which might interfere with classroom instruction and create a negative school environment.

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