Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Activities Director: Heather Oros 

After School Clubs and Intramurals

Clubs and intramurals occur at different times throughout the school year.  The teacher in charge of the club or intramural will determine the meeting dates.  Once a club or intramural is announced on the morning announcements students will be able to access the flyer within the Activities Google Classroom.  That information will also be listed on this website (with the permission form).  If your child is interested in signing up for a particular club or intramural, please promptly complete the permission form.  Once the roster for a club or intramural is full, no more students will be allowed to sign up.
If you would like to sign up for daily announcements you will need to register for the remind codes.  
The new 2023-2024 codes are:
News4a4b-Quatman, Giordano, Mays and Bucek, DiTommaso, Campbell
News4c4d-Himes, Cushey, Rebolz and Cugilari, Prodente, Fogle
News5a5b-Dietrich, McGuire, Grimes and Filo, Johnston, Lopez
News5c5d-Deer, Malloy, Welka and Zientek, Bianchi Carlisle
News6a6b-Gurekovich, Weber, Miller and McDermott, Bender, Carter
News6c6D-Keenan, Thomas, Burk and Daly, Interthal (Howe), Wiley
Select the team your child is on and enter the code to begin receiving school-wide announcements which will tell you when the clubs and/or intramurals are open for registration and other information that is occurring in our buildingIf you have multiple children in the building, just select one Remind code to register for since the information will be the same.

Titan Shop

The Titan Shop is in the Activities Office.  Students may come to the Titan Shop to make a purchase before homeroom or anytime with teacher permission.

Items for Sale:

Water $0.50
Snacks (Sun Chips, Doritos, Chips, Fruit Snack, Rice Krispie Treat) $0.60
Red or Blue Pom Poms $1.00
School Colored Beads $1.00/set
Swim Goggles $5.00 and $8.00
Swim Cap $3.00
Sketch Books $5.50
Shaler Area Apparel Price Varies

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