Right to Know
Shaler Area School District
1800 Mt. Royal Blvd.
Glenshaw, PA 15116-2196
412-492-1200 extension 2807
Fax 412-492-1236
Director of Finance & Operations
Email: tresslerj@shalerarea.org
To file an appeal under the Right-to-Know Law, a requester must provide all of the following:
- A copy of the RTK request.
- A copy of the Agency’s response (or a notation that the request was “deemed denied,” meaning the Agency didn’t respond at all).
- A written statement explaining the grounds on which the requester asserts that the record is a public record.
- A written statement addressing any grounds stated by the agency for denying the request.
All appeals must be made in writing and must be submitted to the Office of Open Records within 15 business days from the mailing date of the Agency’s response or the date that the request was deemed denied. If that timeframe expires before you provide the required information to the OOR, you lose your right to appeal and may need to file a new RTK request with the Agency.
Form and Procedure
Right to Know Request Form
Public Records Request Fees
A written request for access to a public record shall be submitted on the required form(s) and addressed to the Open Records Officer. Written requests may be submitted to the District in person, by mail, to a designated facsimile machine, or to a designated e-mail address.
Each request must include the following information:
1. Identification or description of the requested record, in sufficient detail.
2. Medium in which the record is requested.
3. Name and address of the individual to receive the District’s response.
The District shall not require an explanation of the reason for the request or the intended use of the requested record, unless otherwise required by law. The District shall not limit the number of records requested.