Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Decathlon Championship Results




2020 – No event held


Mr. Waronsky started the Titan Decathlon Championship in 2000 and it has developed tremendously over the years. Administration, students, parents, and the community have shown great support in helping this to grow into an annual celebration that students look forward to every year. The Titan Decathlon events were inspired by the President’s Challenge and is the Physical Education Department’s efforts to promote and encourage fitness, while incorporating friendly competition.


  • Shuttle Run
  • 50 Yd. Dash
  • 100 Yd. Dash
  • 800 M.
  • 1600 M./Mile



  • Softball Throw
  • Discus
  • Shot Put



  • Standing Broad Jump
  • Running Long Jump
These specific events were chosen to incorporate all health and skill related fitness components.  Health related fitness components: flexibility, cardiorespiratory endurance, and body composition.  Skill related components of fitness: agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time, and speed. 

Guidelines and Procedures


Only 60 students get to compete in the championship. Here’s how they qualify:
There are three rounds that occur throughout the school year:
Round 1 – Preliminary
  • All students will compete in the 10 events of the decathlon during their regularly scheduled Physical Education class.
  • Students will be scored based on the places they earn in each event.
    • 1st = 40
    • 2nd = 37
    • 3rd = 34
    • 4th = 31
    • 5th = 30
    • All subsequent places, subtract 1 point from the place before.
    • Ties earn equal points.
  • Boys and girls are scored separate of each other.
  • If they have an excused absence or medical condition that does not permit them to participate during their PE class, they may have an opportunity to make-up the event at a later time.


Round 2 – Semifinals
  • Teachers of each P.E. class will submit the top 2 finishers (2 boys, 2 girls) times and distances.
  • The P.E. teacher does not use the scores at this point, but does re-enter the student’s times and distances into a new database computing the information with the other top 2 finishers from all 12 classes.
  • During this ‘semifinal’ round, students do not have to physically do anything. They are waiting to see if their efforts have moved them onto the finals.
  • After entering the data for the 24 boys and 24 girls we get our “TOP 10” qualifiers.
Round 3 – Finals/Titan Decathlon Championship
  • The top 10 boys and girls from each grade will get an award certificate, informational sheet, T-shirt order form, Raptor & Regulations form, and behavioral form.
  • These students have qualified to compete in the daylong event in May – TITAN DECATHLON CHAMPIONSHIP.

Titan Decathlon Championship Event

The Health and Physical Education Department at S.A.E.S. has had over 20 years to fine tune this championship event and encourage students to pursue individual goals, while looking forward to competition amongst peers.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION about the Titan Decathlon Championship (TDC):
  1. The TDC is for the top 10 boys/girls that qualified in each grade (4th, 5th, 6th) for a total of 60 student athletes.
  2. Attendance, Behavior, Eligibility
    • Attendance – Based on the states attendance policy, the SAES administration has determined that any athlete with more than 10 absences may NOT participate in the Titan Decathlon Championship.
    • Behavior – If the qualifying athlete/s engages in three (3)  inappropriate behaviors as listed by the level 1, level 2, and/or level 3 Shaler Area Elementary School-Wide Positive Behavior Plan, that off-task student will be permanently removed from the Titan Decathlon Championships and the 11th place qualifier will participate in the TDC.
    • Eligibility – aside from attendance and behavior, students may be removed or not able to participate from the TDC based on failing grades, medical reasons, repeating a grade and unforeseen circumstances (for example: family vacation). No matter the reason, the 11th place qualifying athlete will be asked to compete.
  3. The event takes place during the entirety of a school day in May. Students are responsible to make up any missed classroom work. They will report to homeroom for attendance purposes and then be called to the track at the end of homeroom for the competition to begin.
  4. The equipment that will be utilized by the PE Department will include:
    • Tape measures
    • Standard 11” softballs
    • Shot puts (6 lbs. – 6th grade, 3.3. lbs. – 4th & 5th grade)
    • Discus (2.2 lbs.)
    • Shuttle run dumbbells
    • Stopwatches
    • Cones
    • Rake
    • Etc.
  5. The shed by the track will display the awards, event locations, records, and includes the scorer’s table where 2 teachers will enter data after completion of each event.
  6. The order of events and daily schedule will be different based on the student gender and grade. The 1600 M./Mile run will always take place in the morning due to the cooler temperature. Students will break for lunch (usually 45 minutes) after 5 events.
  7. After all 10 events are complete, students who place 1st-3rd will receive a trophy and 4th – 10th a medal for all their efforts. In the event of a tie; the athlete with the greater number of 1st place finishes will be awarded the higher finish placement.
  8. Standard operating procedures will be set for each event to assure that the student has performed the event in the same manner using the same or equal equipment.
  9. If parents and community members are permitted to attend the TDC event, ALL individuals must report with a state issued I.D. to the main office and wear the sticker picture/name tag in a visible location while on school grounds. Failure to follow this and other district rules will be cause for immediate removal from school property.
  10. To ensure a fair and consistent environment, the TDC student athletes are not permitted to use starting blocks and/or track spikes.

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