Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

League of Innovative Schools Spring Convening

Shaler Area School District Instructional Practices Highlighted during League of Innovative Schools Spring 2025 Convening

The Shaler Area School District is delighted to be one of a handful of districts in our region who will be showcasing innovative practices in education. We will join with 13 other Pittsburgh-area districts to host the Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools Spring 2025 Convening. The League of Innovative Schools is a national network of forward-thinking school districts organized by Digital Promise, a global nonprofit working at the intersection of research, technology, and practice to accelerate innovation in education and shape the future of learning.

Established in 2011, the League of Innovative Schools comprises nearly 150 school districts across 34 states and has served more than four million students nationwide since its founding. These districts represent a range of contexts in American education—from large urban settings to remote rural schools.

League members will visit Shaler Area Elementary School and Scott Primary School on Thursday, March 27th. During their time with us, they will experience how the house system creates a positive school culture; how our district goals inform and invigorate instruction; the communication and professional skills our students develop through our student-run program, Titan News Network; the foundational competencies built through Pre-K Counts, a high caliber preschool program in our schools; and even try their hand at project-based design challenges that explore the concepts of gravity and air resistance in our STEM program.

“Our district is home to industry-leading educators and exceptional students. I am deeply proud of the work we do and look forward to sharing insights from our practices with educators from across the country. Together, we are pioneering approaches that will enhance education for the next generation,” shared Dr. Bryan O’Black, Superintendent of Schools.

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