Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Rep Powell miles with students

There Ought to Be a Law Contest: Students Try Their Hand at Designing Laws to Improve Their Community

State Representative Lindsay Powell invited Shaler Area School District students to imagine a law that would help make their school, community, or state a better place for their generation and write an essay that describes the law and persuades their friends and community that their law is a good idea. Students had to consider potential stakeholders, the target audience(s) being impacted, and the capacities of state government.

Essays were reviewed by Powell and her team and the five most impactful, insightful, and realistic bills were selected. On March 12th, Representative Powell visited Shaler Area High School to meet with the five winning essayists and discuss their ideas in a round-table conversation.

  • Ayden Sansotta (Banning Energy Drinks)
  • Mason Bosco (Financial Literacy)
  • Naoh Demchsin (AI)
  • Paityn Greygor (Women’s Rights)
  • Gabriela Navas (Metal Detectors)

Rep power listens to students

A student shares her thoughts with Rep Powell

Rep Powell speaks with interim principal Joanne Townsend

Photos courtesy of Representative Powell’s office.

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