Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

students pose in their running shirts

Kids of Steel Kicks off at SAES

March 5th was our opening day of practice for Kids of Steel at SAES! The runners were excited and eager to start training for our upcoming races. Our Kids of Steel program is unique because Shaler Area High School varsity distance track coach, Tyler Schultz, brought 5 of his trackletes down to assist our runners at practice. The high school students include Kiersten Bork, Lyssie Arrigo, Kaylee Graff, Dylan McGuire, and Dillon Stegman. Our students are inspired by these outstanding student athletes. Our other amazing coaches include Bob Cessar, Bekah Dedrick, and Kelly Himes.

Hunter Confair, from the Pittsburgh Marathon Kids of Steel attended the practice to watch our unique relationship between the young runners and the high school student athletes. Runners did a combination of warmups, speed and agility, relay races, and other games to keep them moving. It was a great first day all around! We are very grateful for our partnership with Red Oak Branded Solutions. for donating Kids of Steel shirts to all runners in our club. Looking forward to an enjoyable racing season!

students run around the track

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