Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

The entrance to SAHS

Students Visit SAHS from Japan

10 teens have traveled all the way around the world to attend classes at Shaler Area High School. During the month of March, Duquesne University will host 10 students visiting from Niigata High School, located in Japan.  As part of this program, the students will be immersed in an American high school, observing, and participating in various STEAM classes here in the U.S.  The goal of this program is to expand students’ knowledge of STEAM on an international level.  Additionally, they will use the English language to understand our culture and customs while making connections with English speaking students.  By participating in this academic and cultural exchange, students will be able to create cultural connections.

From March 10–12th the students visited Shaler Area High School, attending STEAM classes as well as joining the Japanese Language classes at SAHS for cultural and language experience.  This experience expands the perspective of the visiting students as well as students in Shaler Area.

Read more in coverage from the Trib and WESA.

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