Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

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Kindergarten Registration Is Coming February 3

We can’t wait to welcome the class of 2038! Register for kindergarten online beginning February 3 or in person at one of our open house events. Learn more about the process to register here.


If your child is 5, it’s time to register for Kindergarten

Shaler Area School District

We can’t wait to welcome your family to our school community. Meet with the principal, school nurse, get assistance filling out forms, and more through our in-person registration events.

Age eligibility for kindergarten:
Age 5 on or before August 31, 2025

Online registration opens: February 3, 2025.
Follow link to new student registration:

Registrations will take place in home schools from 7-11:30 AM and 12:30-3PM
Burchfield Primary School: Wednesday, February 26
Reserve Primary School: Thursday, February 27
Marzolf Primary School: Wednesday, March 5
Scott Primary School: Thursday, March 6

Evenings at the administrative offices (1800 Mt. Royal Blvd., Glenshaw, PA 15116)
Central Office Board Room from 6:30 PM
Tuesday, March 18
Tuesday, April 8

For more information, call 412-492-1200 ext. 8-2813


Registration Documentation
The following parent / guardian documentation is required for all student enrollments.
* Parent / Guardian name, birthdate, and contact information including email, mailing address, and phone number
* Two proofs of residency (Choose one item from each group below
*  Group 1
* Drivers license (with current Shaler Area address)
* DOT identification card (with current Shaler Area address)
* Other alternative identification (passport or official documents)
* Group 2
* Current utility bill statement (gas, electric or water bill)
* Property tax bill
* Deed
* Lease (signed by resident and landlord)
The following student documentation is required for all student enrollments
* Official birth certificate
* Health forms (all forms must be completed)
* Immunization records (with date of immunizations listed)
* Physical examination (grade specific and due prior to the first day or within 30 days of start date)
* Dental Form (grade specific and due prior to the first day or within 30 days of start date)
* Student health history (completed by parent /guardian)
* Student services documents (IEP, GIEP, and 504 if available)

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