Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Shaler Area

School District

Mobile Ag Lab

Reaping Lessons in Agriculture

From December 3–5, students at Reserve Primary School received a deeper understanding of how agriculture enriches their lives. Reserve Primary was visited by PA Friends of Agriculture Foundation’s mobile science lab. For 3 days, students rotated through hands-on learning activities that explored the science of the farm, including plant life cycles, food science, and more.

Reserve teacher Lisa Farine was inspired to pursue this initiative to help students deepen their understanding of the agricultural underpinnings of our world She shares, “With the students living in an urban area with limited exposure to farms this will be a great experience for them to see how farms impact their everyday lives.”

This program was made possible by a grant from the Shaler Area Education Foundation, which enhances learning opportunities in the district. The Shaler Area Education Foundation strives to cultivate the unique capability of every student in the Shaler Area School District by propelling innovative and engaging educational programs within a creative and collaborative environment.

Ag lab